Doha’s ‘spidermen’ are highly skilled technicians who can do nearly anything at great heights.
Chaitra Arjunpuri
Content Feed
Killing cows is illegal in most of India, but rustlers still round up cattle for slaughter.
Civic body mulls banning display of half-clad mannequins in lingerie shops in an attempt to cut sexual assaults.
About 60,000 children go missing every year in populous nation, and child activists say many end up in sex trade.
Lower costs have made the country a top destination for childless couples looking for surrogate mothers.
The public beheading of a woman by her brother in Kolkata highlights a surge in so-called ‘honour killings’.
A brutal assault in New Delhi has led to public outrage and calls for tougher sentences for rapists.
The online Museum for Endangered Sounds stores long-forgotten gadget-based audio for today’s networked generation.
Matrimonial website run by Catholic priests gains popularity in Kerala, helping Christians to find partners.
Fast-food giant is opening its first-ever, all-vegetarian restaurants in India, but could stoke a religious backlash.