Iason Athanasiadis

Iason Athanasiadis

Iason Athanasiadis is an award-winning photojournalist who covers the Middle East.


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A monas­tic com­mu­ni­ty is slow­ly suc­cumb­ing to the net­work – is that a bad thing?

Opinion by Iason Athanasiadis
Published On 1 May 2016
On Mount Athos, monks seek to isolate themselves from the temptations of the world by isolation and communion with Nature and the Divine [Iason Athanasiadis]

Refugees stream­ing into Eu­rope are vic­tims and agents of a mis­di­rect­ed moder­ni­ty that will trans­form our so­ci­eties.

Opinion by Iason Athanasiadis
Published On 29 Sep 2015
Migrants wait to enter a transit camp in Gevgelija, Macedonia, after entering the country by crossing the border with Greece [REUTERS]