John Esposito

John Esposito

John L Esposito is University Professor and Professor of Religion and International Affairs at Georgetown University. His recent books are The Future ... of Islam and (with Ibrahim Kalin) Islamophobia and the Challenge of Pluralism in the 21st Century.


Content Feed

The mil­i­tary-led re­moval of Mo­hamed Mor­si be­lies free and fair elec­tions, rule of law and hu­man rights.

Opinion by John Esposito
Published On 25 Aug 2013
Egypt Protests Continue As New Prime Minister Put On Hold

Re­li­gious ex­trem­ists ex­ploit un­der­ly­ing East-West an­i­mos­i­ty, fo­ment­ing mob vi­o­lence for their own po­lit­i­cal ends.

Opinion by John Esposito
Published On 15 Sep 2012
Press conference about the attack on the US embassy in Benghazi