Kevin P Gallagher

Kevin P Gallagher

Kevin P Gallagher is Professor of Global Development Policy and Director of the Global Development Center at Boston University. He co-chairs the T20 I... ndonesia Task Force on International Finance and Economic Recovery. His is co-author of The Case for a New Bretton Woods.


Content Feed

Though some of its trou­bling poli­cies re­main, the fi­nan­cial cri­sis has trig­gered con­struc­tive new think­ing at the IMF.

Opinion by Kevin P Gallagher
Published On 12 Mar 2012
External shot IMF

The US used ‘dol­lar diplo­ma­cy’ to gain in­flu­ence in Latin Amer­i­ca; now the Chi­nese are beat­ing the US at its own game.

Opinion by Kevin P Gallagher
Published On 29 Feb 2012
Inside Story - File photograph of Chinese yuan notes piled up after counting at a bank during a photo opportunity in Seoul