Konstantinos Antonopoulos

Konstantinos Antonopoulos

Konstantinos Antonopoulos is an interactive producer with Al Jazeera English. He has produced interactives on topics such as the 2014 World Cup, insur... gency in Russia, corruption in the EU and HIV/ AIDS in the Middle East. Follow @konstantinosant //


Content Feed

UN says 8,400 hous­ing sites were ‘se­vere­ly dam­aged or com­plete­ly de­stroyed’ in the bat­tle to re­take the city from ISIL.

Published On 23 Jul 2017
Mosul Iraq ISIL

France pos­sess­es the world’s sixth largest econ­o­my, but while it is rel­a­tive­ly strong, fi­nances at home are tough.

Published On 7 May 2017
Global Footprint

A snap­shot of the dead­liest mass shoot­ings in re­cent years in the US.

Published On 14 Jun 2016
Deadly Shootings in US

Al Jazeera ex­am­ines what life is like for one Pales­tin­ian fam­i­ly liv­ing amongst the rub­ble of the Gaza Strip.

Published On 20 May 2015
24hrs in Gaza