Srećko Horvat

Srećko Horvat

Srećko Horvat is a philosopher from Croatia. His latest books include "After the Apocalypse" and "Poetry from the Future". He features in Al Jazeera's... documentary film "Europe's Forbidden Colony".


Content Feed

Hun­gary’s in­creas­ing­ly ex­treme re­ac­tion to the EU mi­grant cri­sis is stok­ing fears of an emerg­ing dic­ta­tor­ship.

Opinion by Srećko Horvat
Published On 23 Jun 2015
Migrants lying under a bridge on a bank of the river Sava in Belgrade, as they rest on their way to the Hungarian-Serbian border [AFP]

Greek fi­nance min­is­ter’s ges­ture was tak­en out of con­text but the fin­ger was point­ed in the right di­rec­tion.

Opinion by Srećko Horvat and Slavoj Zizek
Published On 18 Mar 2015
yanis varoufakis finger / screen grab from youtube video

The Bosn­ian protests re­flect so­cio-po­lit­i­cal dy­nam­ics that are go­ing on not only in the Balka­ns but the whole of Eu­rope.

Opinion by Srećko Horvat
Published On 12 Feb 2014