Stefan Simanowitz

Stefan Simanowitz

Stefan Simanowitz is a journalist, broadcaster and analyst.


Content Feed

The US gov­ern­ment’s ef­forts to ex­tra­dite As­sange pose a grave threat to press free­dom both in the US and abroad.

Opinion by Stefan Simanowitz
Published On 27 Oct 2021

As the Iraq in­quiry and the 7/7 in­quest draw to a close, at­ti­tudes to Is­lam in Britain are un­der scruti­ny.

Opinion by Stefan Simanowitz
Published On 17 Feb 2011
July 7 bus roof blown off

Tony Blair has been sum­moned to an­oth­er ses­sion of the Iraq In­quiry to clar­i­fy pre­vi­ous tes­ti­mo­ni­al dis­crep­an­cies.

Opinion by Stefan Simanowitz
Published On 24 Jan 2011
Tony Blair''s book and humorous sticker