Colonists continue to steal from Dr King’s messages and memory to advance the system he was killed for opposing.
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An anti-colonial future is bursting forth. People are waking up. Yes, they are woke.
A sitting governor and a former president are facing off in a white supremacist race for power.
Those who spread conspiracy theories do not do so out of ignorance, but because they are white power propagandists.
Our justice system is not ‘flawed’ and racist judges are not merely ‘bad apples’.
‘The West has proven it is incapable of leading the world,’ says African studies scholar Yannick Giovanni Marshall.
This current chapter of Western-run human history must be flung shut.
It is time to start doubting the Democratic party is really in the business of countering the far right in the US.
As white supremacists welcome their new hero, liberals work hard to portray white supremacy as conservatism.
Terms like ‘the system is flawed’ dismiss Black pain in order to legitimise the institutions that cause it.